“I would recommend Chris Quigley Education to anyone – I think the development of the Essentials Curriculum is perfect for Junior Schools to enthuse and inspire children whilst at the same time building on essential skills that are developed across the Key Stage.”
Karen Stonehouse, Head Teacher, Bartley C of E Junior School, Southampton
“Securing Greater Depth - one of the best CPD sessions I have attended in 17 years. Professional and well delivered. Thank you Chris.”
Paula Cumming, Deputy Head Teacher, Abu Dhabi
“Please thank Chris for a great day! Everyone was buzzing afterwards about new approaches and ideas. It was very interesting to think about how maths and English can take on “bite size” chunks across other areas of the curriculum and how little exercises can be completed throughout the school each morning. The day brought about several topics for discussion within my SLT and I heard TA's and Teachers talking about different approaches to parts of the day! Thank you for a fabulous and thought provoking day!”
Louise Croker, Head Teacher, St George's Catholic Primary School, Warminster
“All of the sessions were informative and relevant. Chris, as always, presented the course with the right balance of information, opportunities for reflection and humour. I think everyone took a great deal away from the morning and it certainly made us think about our own schools and possible ways forward to improve learning and understanding in our own settings. A brilliant day. ”
Richard Mason, Head Teacher, Milking Bank Primary School, Dudley
“The messages were clear and insightful. Staff were so motivated by the day that they were texting me at home that evening! The morning session was especially useful as the reasons for reorganising our curriculum were obvious to all the staff attending. Staff enjoyed Chris' stories and humour but they were all grounded in thought provoking content. Please thank Chris and the team for such an enjoyable and interesting day.”
Jude Yoxall, Deputy Head Teacher, Beckstone Primary School, Cumbria
“Chris presented the information in an informative and entertaining way. He appealed to all levels within the audience. He simplified, through the use of practical examples, the way to resolve some of the difficulties experienced in school. He was knowledgeable and able to offer alternatives for every staff member to take away. We had a wonderful day and I struggled to make comments about how to improve.”
Bev Allford, Head Teacher, Ravensfield Primary School, Tameside