The Finance Directors Forum

The FD (Finance Directors) Forum was setup by a group of the FDs from the early sponsored Academies. It has expanded now to include all the sponsor Academies and most of the pre-April 2011 converters and many more since. Currently there are 900 individuals representing individual Academies and Federations across the country.
The Forum was created as a self-help group to help and advise members in the early days of the Academies programme and to ensure that Academy FDs were able to fulfill the needs of their Academies from a functional perspective and as the years have passed this has continued to be the case.
The Forum has now evolved into three distinct streams, with much of the HR advice being channelled through the HR Forum and a fledgling Premises Forum has started to enable FDs and premises managers to share best practice. The original Finance Forum remains as the core channel for exchange of information between FD and School Business Managers relating to the overall breadth of their roles and enabling them to share best practice. The sudden increase in new academies has resulted in a far broader mix of skills and expertise being represented within these Forums’ very active sites. It is clear from feedback received that they are fulfilling a very important role on the front line.
Incensu Top Tip:
Incensu recommends that any Academy wishing to join the FD Forum should contact them via their website.