“Primary School ”
Sue Avent, Teacher, Sherston Primary School
“Have been trying to send you this all day but other things kept getting in the way! Just wanted to say a big thank you for your training session yesterday. The Staff found it extremely useful and informative – you made a good impression. If/when we can afford to buy the equipment for the Infant classes we look forward to welcoming you back. I would also like to say thank you for going way beyond your remit in carrying down all those stools to the IT suite for me – it was much appreciated. Sue Avent ”
“Primary School ”
Kate Hart Dyke, Head Teacher, Horsmonden Reception
“To whom it may concern We made contact with www.elementaryuk.com seeking an independent visualiser supplier as we wanted to have demonstrations on a range of visualisers to determine which model was best suited to the Horsmonden Primary School.. After discussing our needs Elementary promptly arranged a free onsite visit with the team to demonstrate a range of visualisers/price options and how they can improve teaching and learning in the classroom. We planned on purchasing a visualiser. The demonstration allowed us to see the full potential of using a visualiser in class so we decided to purchase one for each classroom and make best use of the current offers. The provided software is simple to use and saves images to our laptops and the video recording function enables us to save methods, models and teaching examples etc to be played back whenever we need them either as a starter, lesson guide or plenary. When the visualisers were delivered our contact visited School and set up the visualisers in each room and provided a staff training session that enabled the staff to feel comfortable using their new tool from the start. They have all been in use ever since! The training also showed us how to integrate with other software such as our SMART Notebook and Microsoft applications. We are extremely happy with the service provided and would recommend Elementary and www.thevisualisershop.com to others considering introducing visualisers to their School. Kate Hart Dyke Horsmonden Primary School ”
“Primary School”
Samantha Chamberlain, School Business Manager, Oakengates Nursery School
“I write on behalf of Oakengates Nursery School & Children’s Centre to say how much of a valuable investment the purchasing of the interactive LCD screens has been and just how they have enhanced the children’s learning experiences. They are an amazing resource in improving the delivery of lessons. Along with creating an exciting environment for the children, they are easy to use and resilient. These were identified by practitioners as the key requirement prior to the investment. Unlike projectors and smart boards, there is no loss of picture quality from shadows, or bulbs that need replacing. The high quality image allows practitioners to use video clips, websites and to display the children’s work using the Vidifox visualizers which we have also used for animation. We appreciate your experience, knowledge and the time you have given us in explaining the use of the equipment and providing our staff with quality training. I shall look forward to further business with you and Elementary solutions to IT in the future. Thank you once again. Kind regards Samantha Chamberlain ”