“The Professional Learning Community allows the AST Team to review the most up-to-date thinking on key aspects of learning and teaching, professional development and leadership. There is no doubt that the articles and case studies have helped us to shape our own support programmes and to strategically manage them. It is important for ASTs to be leading thinking in their school or authority, and a key part of this responsibility is to find out what is happening beyond your context. The Professional Learning Community is a cost effective and valuable way in which to achieve this.”
Angela Moore, AST Coordinator, Danum Academy, Doncaster
“Imaginative Minds’ Professional Learning Community service has at its heart a professional development library which is unlike anything else available. It’s a profound and growing database of best practice articles which can support advances in leadership and teaching at every level of the school. It has constantly updated education information, but its real value, in my view, is its orientation towards practice and reflective leadership and teaching. Every school, primary or secondary, seeking to have a dynamic, learning staff team should have the service as a pre-requisite.”
Richard Churches , Principal Consultant, CfBT Education Trust
“The i-WIGT is bringing quality and consistency to our judgements and the analysis tool has helped us to form a clear overview of the quality of teaching and learning and areas for improvement supported by clear evidence. This has saved us many hours of work.”
Mr Nick Turvey , Head Teacher , Upton Cross Primary School
“The i-WIGT provides an excellent and highly efficient system to observe and evaluate the quality of teaching and learning linked to performance management and offers immediate access to a range of articles to support professional development.”
Elaine Ricks-Neal , Jt. Principal Adviser for School Improvement, West Berkshire Council
“It’s a brilliant concept”
Sue Hughes , Head, Anglesey Primary School Birmingham
“The Climbing Frames materials provide a simple, straightforward and structured approach to assessment alongside the planning of the next stages of learning. Based on the rigorous principles of APP and backed up with thorough progress measures across KS1, 2 and 3 the Climbing Frames materials support teachers, subjects, and whole school approaches to high quality assessment.”
David Hilton, Head of Curriculum and Standards, The Active Learning Trust
“We have seen a large number of systems, and Climbing Frames is by far the best of breed. Its Pre-Levels – for those children caught below the start of the new National Curriculum – and its Cognitive Development Framework show how well thought out it is. We would recommend our schools to subscribe.”
Professor Sonia Blandford, CEO, Achievement For All