“There have been a number of differences as a result of the smooga. Younger children now have space to play sports; and arguments and disagreements have stopped. Previously, teachers would spend the first 30 minutes after lunch trying to resolve issues caused in the playground and the space was also dominated by older children.”
Alison Townsend, Head Teacher, Emneth Primary School
“We use the smooga for football, hockey and netball. We have also created a maze for the children which they absolutely loved. There are less accidents now we have the smooga in terms of bumped heads of children in addition to staff who have lunch time duty. I would say the smooga helps to facilitate at least 80 per cent more teaching time and is the best investment we’ve made for the school in a long time.”
Marie Chadwick, Business Manager, Garswood Primary School
“The Smooga is fab - thank you! The children love it, the parents are excited by it but best of all, it has increased our play area massively in the last 2 weeks where the field has been too marshy to play on. Thank you.”
Preet Cook, Business Manager, Ashton Keynes C of E Primary
“I’m 100% convinced the Smooga has helped to reduce conflict in the playground by enabling children to keep the ball in a controlled environment. ”
Jane Cooper, Behaviourist, Oak Hill Academy, Feltham
“The children love it. It has created a new point of interest. They all gather round and watch each other which has been an unexpected outcome. It’s lovely, especially to see the older, year 6’s watch the years 2’s playing football.”
Mrs Bagnall, Head Teacher, St Ebbes, Oxford
“The Smooga is going well here and the staff and pupils report that break and lunchtimes have fewer accidents. Staff report that it is really beneficial to PE and games lessons as we are not chasing the balls down the playground.”
Brette Townend-Jowitt, Head Teacher, Kingham Primary School, Oxfordshire
“Since having the smooga, less children have been injured and it is easier to manage children in the playground. It has significantly cut down playground incidents.”
Chris Stewart, Head Teacher, Totley Primary School, Sheffield