All Utilities T/A Energy Survey free consultancy services
Member since: Dec 2020 • Company Status: LTD Company Check
Services: Free telephone consultation, free pre arranged site visit where practical , free initial Heat Decarboisation summary report , free technical advice on energy saving technologie, free available consultancy referals
Regions: England
To assist you in understanding the scope and potential energy saving and financial benefits of the Salix government grant funding.
Get Ready For Salix and the Heat Decarbonisation Plan
Salix recently announced the Heat Decarbonisation Plan refering to the government targets of zero carbon emmission by 2050. By this time all electricity will be zero rated being generated by either renewable sources or nuclear power. However both oil and gas space heating will have to be addressed as both emit vast amounts of carbon pollution. This means in effect that oil and gas heating will need to be replaced with an electrical source of power that is carbon neutral. The scale and ambition of this project is truly immense and will entail a complete refocussing of our UK energy plans.
The first one billion pound round of funding was launched in Autumn this year and will close to applications by January 11th 2021. The grant pot is likely to be fully allocated however new funding rounds are also planned to be announced in the new year.
Typical changes for schools and academies would be the installation of ground or air source heat pumps idealy combined with Photo Voltaic solar systems including battery storage.
There are also compliance requirements to ensure the cost effectiveness of any proposed projects.
To make an application the applicant must submit along with their application a Heat Decarbonisation Plan which will describe in detail the existing heating arrangements and identify the best possible solutions towards measures to achieve a total decarbonisation. It is is very unlikely that a academy or school would have the necessary staff expertise to produce such a plan. Salix does recognises this and they have put in place a skills fund which can award a grant to fund a qualified consultant.
What this means financially.
The earlier you can become decarboised the more money you will save.
In effect the earlier that a school or academy can prepare for and make an application to Salix the more money you will save. There are no financial requirements to be met by the academy or school. it is a completely free grant available so long as it falls within the project *compliance guide lines. There is no upper limit of grant funding. Yes it is a fantastic opportunity to take advatage of now.
Visit https://www.salixfinance.co.uk/HDP_Guidance
Currently there is and will be for some time an acute shortage of suitably experienced and qualified consultants. However we can provide an initial consultation and free initial site visit and report . This is to help you appreciate the best way forward. . We are also currently adding to our own data base a register of regional consultants that may become available.
Our lead assesor/surveyor is a highly qualified and experienced industrial designer a member of the Energy Institute having worked on many hundreds of Salix, Carbon Trust and ERDF projects over the past 15 years
* Compliance is the total project cost not exceeding £500 per annual saving of one ton CO2
- Tel:
- 01278 684421
- Mob:
- 07926076599
- Email:
- energysurvey@btinternet.com
- Address:
- 1st and 2nd Floor, 4A Crescent East, Thornton-Cleveleys, FY5 3LJ
- Website:
- https://british-utilities.co.uk/business/carbon-reduction/
- Social: