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6 New Government Priorities for Schools

6 New Priorities for Schools

The government's commitment to schools presents a lucrative avenue for school suppliers. Those who can develop and provide solutions that align with the new priorities will be well-positioned to thrive in this dynamic and evolving market and capitalise on the upcoming wave of investment in the education sector.

02 September 2024

Following Labour’s win in the 4th July General Election we turn our focus to their manifesto and ‘Labour’s plan for schools’.

By identifying the new priorities in schools, suppliers can more effectively target their education marketing to offer solutions to the new challenges facing the sector. There are also plenty of opportunities to be had by looking at these new priorities and looking at where school spend is likely to be allocated. This can ultimately help businesses understand how to sell to schools. 

6 Key Priorities

  • Deliver high and rising standards in early education
  • Support all our children to achieve and thrive
  • Create a better system for inspecting and improving our schools
  • Enable school staff to help our children to succeed
  • Prepare young people for their futures
  • Equip young people with experiences to get them ready for work and ready for life

Take a closer look at these priorities and you begin to unveil more concrete plans and proposals together with the funding to match the aspirations.

Until now private schools in the UK have been exempt from charging VAT on their tuition fees. By closing this tax loophole Labour plans on being able to invest an additional £1.5bn each year into the state school system in the following ways:

Deliver high and rising standards in early education

The Labour government’s commitment to delivering high and rising standards in early education presents a promising opportunity for school suppliers to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of early childhood learning. By focusing on childcare that not only enhances children’s life chances but also supports parents’ work choices, Labour is laying the groundwork for a comprehensive, high-quality early education system.

£135m is planned for opening up over three thousand new nursery places across England providing 100,000 additional nursery places for working families with a pledge to transform primary school classrooms into school-based nurseries at an estimated cost of £40,000 per classroom. Suppliers who can offer innovative solutions tailored to this vision will find themselves in a strong position to support this national priority.

One of the most significant opportunities lies in the provision of educational resources and tools that boost early language skills—a key focus of Labour’s early education strategy. Suppliers specialising in early literacy programs, phonics resources, and interactive language development tools can meet the growing demand for materials that support language acquisition from a young age. This includes everything from digital platforms that offer engaging, age-appropriate language activities to traditional resources like storybooks and flashcards designed to foster early literacy.

The government’s priority to create childcare that supports both children’s development and parents’ work choices also highlights the need for flexible, high-quality childcare solutions. Suppliers who can offer products and services that cater to the needs of both children and working parents will find a growing market. This might include flexible curriculum packages that can be adapted to different childcare settings, digital platforms that facilitate communication between parents and educators, and resources that support a smooth transition between home and early learning environments.

Moreover, the push for higher standards in early education will likely drive demand for professional development and training resources for early years educators. Suppliers who offer training programs focused on the latest early childhood education practices, language development techniques, and inclusive education strategies will be well-positioned to support the workforce in meeting these new standards. As the expectations for early education continue to rise, there will be a corresponding need for educators to upskill and stay current with best practices, creating ongoing opportunities for suppliers in this space.

Support all our children to achieve and thrive

Prioritising initiatives aimed at helping children achieve and thrive presents a significant opportunity for UK school suppliers. With a strong focus on improving educational outcomes and enhancing the overall wellbeing of students this creates demand for a wide range of products and services.

One of the key areas of opportunity lies in the procurement of educational technology. As the government seeks to bridge the attainment gap and ensure that every child has access to high-quality learning resources, there will likely be an increased demand for digital tools and platforms that support personalised learning. Suppliers of interactive whiteboards, educational software, and online learning platforms can expect a surge in interest as schools look to enhance their technological capabilities.

In addition to technology, there will be growing opportunities in the area of wellbeing and mental health support. The Labour government has highlighted the importance of addressing the holistic needs of children, which includes their mental and emotional health. An investment of £175m is being provided for mental health professionals to provide support in every school. Suppliers offering mental health programs, counselling services, and wellbeing-focused curriculum materials are well-positioned to benefit from the shift to the this new priority.

There are also plans for a new national music education network which creates a focused and strategic demand for music education resources and services. The network aims to enhance the quality and delivery of music education, leading to increased investment in music programs, instruments, and educational materials bringing opportunities for growth and a more stable market. Additionally, being associated with a national initiative enhances the credibility and visibility of music suppliers, positioning them as key contributors to the advancement of music education.

An further, key priority for the new government is for schools to pick up on the special needs and disabilities of its pupils much earlier by improving how data is shared. In the 2023/24 academic year there were over 1.6m pupils in England with Special Educational Needs (SEN) representing 4.8% of pupils, with early identification of pupils this is set to rise significantly. This emphasis on spotting children who need support sooner opens the door for suppliers offering diagnostic tools and early intervention programs. Schools and childcare providers will be seeking tools that allow them to assess children’s developmental milestones accurately and identify any areas where additional support is needed. Suppliers who can provide screening tools, assessment software, and intervention programs specifically designed for early childhood will be crucial in helping educators address learning challenges early on, ensuring that every child has the best possible start.

The push for more inclusive and supportive school environments means that products and services aimed at fostering emotional resilience and mental wellness will be in high demand. Furthermore, the emphasis on extracurricular activities and holistic development offers additional prospects for suppliers. As schools aim to provide a broader range of experiences, provide breakfast clubs to all primary school children and support children's social, emotional, and physical development, there will be a need for sports equipment, arts and crafts supplies, and other materials that enhance these activities. Suppliers that can offer innovative solutions to enrich the school day and foster well-rounded development will be key players in this evolving educational landscape.

Create a better system for inspecting and improving our schools

The Labour government is investing £45m in its new priority to overhaul the inspection and improvement system for schools presents a significant opportunity for suppliers in the sector. With plans to replace single-word Ofsted judgments with detailed report cards and introduce annual checks on safeguarding and attendance, there will be an increased demand for innovative tools, technologies, and services to support schools in meeting these new standards.

One key area of opportunity lies in the development of advanced data management and reporting solutions. As schools and multi-academy trusts (MATs) will now need to provide comprehensive, ongoing data on various aspects of school performance, including safeguarding and attendance, suppliers offering cutting-edge data analytics platforms will find a receptive market. These platforms will need to be user-friendly, capable of integrating with existing school management systems, and able to generate detailed reports that align with the new inspection criteria.

Furthermore, the introduction of new regional teams focused on driving better outcomes for children means there will be a greater emphasis on continuous school improvement rather than just periodic inspections. This shift opens the door for suppliers specialising in professional development, school improvement consultancy, and educational resources designed to enhance teaching and learning outcomes. Schools will be seeking partners who can provide tailored solutions to address specific challenges identified by these regional teams, creating a niche market for suppliers who can deliver targeted, evidence-based interventions.

In addition, as the Labour government plans to inspect multi-academy trusts alongside individual schools, suppliers offering services that cater to the needs of entire MATs—such as centralised procurement, governance support, and trust-wide performance monitoring—will be in high demand. The need for scalable solutions that can be implemented across multiple schools within a trust will be critical as MATs strive to ensure consistent quality and compliance with the new inspection framework.

The focus on safeguarding and attendance checks provides an avenue for suppliers of safeguarding software, attendance tracking systems, and related support services. Schools will require robust tools to monitor and report on these areas accurately, creating opportunities for suppliers to innovate and expand their offerings to meet these evolving needs.

Enable school staff to help our children to succeed

After recognising that teachers are burnt out and leaving the profession in droves, the new government plans to boost the education sector by adding over 6,500 new teachers at an investment cost of £450m, ensuring all new teachers are qualified, and introducing a Teacher Training Entitlement costing £270m, presenting a wealth of opportunities for school suppliers.

One of the most significant opportunities lies in the area of teacher training and professional development. With the introduction of a Teacher Training Entitlement, schools will need access to high-quality training programs, resources, and platforms that can facilitate continuous professional development. Suppliers specialising in educational technology can capitalise on this by offering online training modules, interactive learning tools, and platforms that support personalised teacher development pathways. The need for scalable, flexible, and engaging training solutions will be critical as schools work to ensure their teachers are equipped with the latest skills and knowledge to thrive in the classroom.

In addition to training, the Labour government’s commitment to ensuring all new teachers are qualified will likely lead to an increased demand for teacher certification programs and related educational services. Suppliers offering accredited teacher training courses, assessment tools, and qualification programs will find themselves in high demand as schools seek to comply with the new standards. This also opens up opportunities for partnerships with universities and training institutions to create innovative, hybrid models of teacher education that blend in-person and online learning.

The focus on creating a new national voice for school support staff further broadens the scope for suppliers. As support staff gain a more prominent role and recognition, there will be a greater need for specialised training programs, resources, and tools designed to enhance their skills and effectiveness. Suppliers offering professional development tailored to the unique needs of support staff, such as teaching assistants, administrative personnel, and counsellors, will be well-positioned to serve this growing market.

Moreover, the Labour government’s emphasis on ensuring that everyone in schools is treated with the respect they deserve highlights the importance of creating inclusive, supportive, and respectful school environments. This creates opportunities for suppliers who provide products and services that promote well-being, mental health, and positive school culture. From anti-bullying programs to mental health resources and staff well-being initiatives, there is a significant market for solutions that help schools foster an environment where all staff and students feel valued and respected.

Prepare young people for their futures

The Labour government’s commitment to preparing young people for their futures by broadening the curriculum, enhancing core skills, and ensuring digital literacy presents a significant opportunity for school suppliers. This initiative, which aims to create a more well-rounded and future-ready generation, will drive demand for a wide range of educational products and services tailored to the evolving needs of schools.

One of the most immediate opportunities lies in the development and supply of curriculum resources that align with the broader and richer educational framework envisioned by Labour. As schools expand their offerings beyond traditional subjects to include more arts, sports, and digital skills, suppliers who can provide comprehensive, engaging, and diverse educational materials will find themselves in high demand. This includes not only textbooks and digital resources but also innovative teaching tools that help educators deliver a more integrated and holistic curriculum.

The government’s emphasis on strengthening literacy and numeracy while also prioritising sports and arts creates a dual demand for resources that support both academic excellence and creative development. Suppliers offering blended learning solutions that integrate literacy and numeracy with creative subjects will have a competitive edge. For example, platforms that combine traditional academic content with interactive elements such as gamified learning, arts integration, and sports-related activities can cater to this new educational landscape.

The new focus on speaking and listening skills introduces a niche market for suppliers specialising in communication and language development. Tools and resources designed to enhance verbal communication, critical thinking, and public speaking skills will become essential as schools strive to equip students with the competencies needed for future success. Suppliers can capitalise on this by offering speech and debate programs, language development apps, and classroom tools that foster interactive learning and dialogue among students.

Moreover, the commitment to ensuring that all children have the digital skills they need opens up vast opportunities for edtech suppliers. As digital literacy becomes a core component of the curriculum, there will be increased demand for digital learning platforms, coding programs, and educational technology that can be seamlessly integrated into the classroom. Suppliers who can offer comprehensive digital education solutions, from basic computing to advanced coding and digital citizenship, will be well-positioned to support schools in meeting these new requirements.

The planned full review of how the curriculum is assessed suggests a shift toward more innovative and varied assessment methods. This presents an opportunity for suppliers who specialise in assessment tools and platforms that move beyond traditional testing methods. Adaptive learning technologies, formative assessment tools, and digital portfolios that track student progress across a broader set of skills will become increasingly valuable as schools adopt more holistic approaches to evaluating student learning.

Equip young people with experiences to get them ready for work and ready for life

The Labour government's priority to equip young people with the experiences they need to be ready for work and life offers a significant growth avenue for school suppliers. With a planned investment of £85m for introducing professional careers guidance in all schools and colleges, alongside mandating two weeks of work experience for every student, Labour is setting the stage for a more practical and future-focused education system. This creates a robust market for suppliers who can provide the necessary tools, resources, and programs to support these initiatives.

One of the most immediate opportunities lies in the development of comprehensive careers guidance platforms and resources. With every school and college required to provide professional careers advice, there will be a high demand for cutting-edge tools that can help students explore potential career paths, understand the job market, and develop the skills needed for their chosen fields. Suppliers who can offer interactive career exploration software, job shadowing programs, and industry-specific guidance materials will be essential partners for schools looking to enhance their career services.

Additionally, the mandate for two weeks of work experience for all students opens up opportunities for suppliers who can facilitate and support these placements. This could include companies that provide work experience matching services, software that helps schools manage placements, and platforms that offer virtual work experience opportunities. Suppliers who can bridge the gap between schools and industry by creating partnerships with local businesses and organisations will find a strong market for their services.

The shift towards practical, work-based learning also presents an opportunity for suppliers to develop and offer resources that prepare students for these experiences. This might include pre-placement training modules on workplace etiquette, communication skills, and professional behaviour, as well as tools for reflective practice during and after work experience. Suppliers who can create comprehensive packages that cover all aspects of the work experience process—from preparation to placement to post-experience reflection—will be particularly valuable to schools.

Moreover, with Labour’s focus on getting students ready for life as well as work, there is room for suppliers to expand into broader life skills education. This could encompass everything from financial literacy programs to personal development workshops, all designed to complement the more career-focused initiatives. Suppliers offering resources that help students develop resilience, problem-solving skills, and adaptability will be in high demand as schools seek to provide a holistic preparation for adult life.

Source: Incensu Analysis

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