The State of School Lettings: 2024 - By Bookteq

It’s no secret that the UK education sector faces immense pressure, with budget cuts, the need to qualify for funding, and the challenge of meeting Ofsted standards. In this environment, finding innovative ways to generate revenue and engage the community is more critical than ever. Community lettings can provide vital financial support for schools, allowing for reinvestment into facilities and transforming your school into a community hub. Whether you are considering hiring out your school’s facilities for the first time or looking to optimise your existing lettings program, understanding the usage patterns of your facilities can significantly help with managing resources effectively. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of school lettings, offering insights into usage trends, revenue generation, booking prices, and community engagement.
10 June 2024This report investigates the following key areas:
- Daily, weekly, & monthly booking trends
- Identifying the most popular facilities and spaces within schools
- Analysis of average revenue and utilisation rates
- Rates of engagement within the community
- Methods of booking attribution and management
Incensu says: Valuable report giving insights and trends for schools and multi-academy trusts hiring out sports facilities and spaces.