Recommended Wellbeing Support
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Achieve consistent, calm behaviour across your whole school with CPI's Classroom Culture Training. CPI training is an investment in your school’s future, delivering true savings in both time and money. CPI have successfully designed and provided thousands of behaviour management programmes across the globe. Delivering measurable results, their content and resources support you and your school from the moment you join them.
View CPI Education company profileISpace Wellbeing
iSpace Wellbeing is the mental health and wellbeing curriculum for schools and children aged 4-13. The iSpace Wellbeing and #iWonder Curriculums offer an exciting whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing. Their curriculums provide an age appropriate framework including who and how to ask for help, and a common language, which encourage conversations about mental, emotional, social and physical health to become part of everyday school and home life. Discover more...
EdPsychEd brings together leading psychologists to provide a range of highly engaging courses which can improve the lives and outcomes for all children. As a team of Educational Psychologists, EdpyschEd are passionate about the impact that high quality CPD and training can have on improving the outcomes for children.
Courses coming over the next year include: Resilience, Precision Teaching, Autism, Motivational Interviewing, Executive Functioning, and more. Discover more...
View EdPsychEd company profileQDP Services
QDP Services provide surveys for schools. With mental health being such a prevalent topic, it is the responsibility of everyone to do their bit to assure the wellbeing of those around them. QDP surveys help you gain an insight into the wellbeing of anyone in your care. The reports clearly pinpoint warning signs and monitor changes over time, allowing for early intervention and improving/maintaining a healthy, happy culture across your school community.
QDP understand that every school is different and therefore offer a fully bespoke service. Discover more...
Schools UK
As well as offering absence insurance Schools UK offers a range of wellbeing services including Counselling Services and Zumos Wellbeing Project among others. Not only does this aim to improve job satisfaction and morale in your workplace, but also to protect you against costly staff absences. This is of particular importance during a very challenging time for staff across schools. Discover more...
View Schools UK company profileBook of Beasties
Book of Beasties is a developer of mental health games and educational resources that puts children's wellbeing at the top of the learning agenda. Our core resource, Book of Beasties: The Mental Wellness Card Game is a multi-award winning, psychologist endorsed and evidence-based early intervention for children aged 7-12 that aspires to raise emotional literacy, teach resilience, empathy and encourage the open conversation about mental health.
In reaction to COVID19 Book of Beasties has developed a subscription based platform to support teachers and parents throughout and beyond the lockdown, on which we regularly publish educational, wellness and creative based materials that use the art of story telling and play to promote wellbeing across the whole national curriculum. Discover more...
View Book of Beasties company profileSinead Campbell - Independent Speech and Language Therapist
Working virtually Sinead is reaching out to the wider school workforce to support the education sector. More and more schools are choosing to use independent services to top up current services offered by the NHS or LEA at such a busy time or to fill the ever widening gap in pupils abilities as a result of lockdown. Cardiff Speech and Language Therapy covers:
- Speech sound production
- Attention, listening and memory
- Comprehension and vocabulary
- Early literacy development
- Expressive language and narrative
- Social and interaction skills
- Emotion and behavior
- Developmental language disorder
- Developmental verbal dyspraxia
- Autism
Discover more...
View Cardiff Speech and Language Therapy company profileEQ Sport
Right now 1 in 6 children and young people have a diagnosable mental health condition. Countless more are struggling due to the impact that COVID-19 has had on families, friendships and the wider community. In addition to this, over 25% of children in the UK are considered overweight. This can take a toll not just on a child’s physical health, but also their mental health and well-being.
EQ Sport have created My Healthy Happy Diary as a resource to tackle both of these problems and as a fun way to support a child’s overall health and wellbeing. My Healthy Happy Diary…
- Supports the physical and mental health of all children
- Helps children to develop a Growth Mindset
- Helps improve literacy
- Improves cardiovascular fitness, strength and endurance
- Takes into account the SHANARRI wellbeing indicators
- Aims to improve confidence, resilience, health and happiness.
- Helps children set goals and strive to always try their best.
- Covers almost all of your school’s PSE topics